It keeps wellness front-and-center. ChangeEngine lets you plan out all your wellness communications – from fitness challenges to mental health resources – and deliver them in a timely, engaging way. This means employees are constantly reminded that the company cares about their well-being and are encouraged to take part in the programs available.
Personalization can be as simple as using someone’s name in a message or as specific as tailoring content per location, age, and more. ChangeEngine lets you segment and target messages so the wellness content each person gets feels relevant to them, increasing the chances they’ll engage with it.
There’s a lot of creative options: you can design posters or digital flyers for an upcoming wellness event, schedules and checklists, or build a colorful infographic about the benefits of sleep. You can also send around quick surveys or self-check quizzes (e.g., “Rate your current stress level”) as part of a broader wellness check-in. The key is all these pieces can be made to look appealing and inviting, so employees want to read and participate.
To some degree, yes. If you use ChangeEngine to invite folks to a challenge, you’ll see who clicks to sign up. During the challenge, you could have weekly check-ins where employees click a button or fill a short form to say “Yes, I did my activity,” and you’ll see those responses. While the platform might not count everyone’s steps or miles (you might use a fitness app for that), it definitely helps you measure engagement through sign-ups and self-reported progress, and you can always share a leaderboard or summary back out through ChangeEngine communications.
The key to wellness programs is consistency and encouragement. Automated communications mean you’re continuously nudging and cheering on employees. For example, in a month-long challenge, ChangeEngine can send a kickoff message, then mid-way encouragement (“Two weeks in – keep it up, you’re doing great!”), and a wrap-up congratulating participants. This steady flow keeps people from dropping off after the initial excitement. It’s like having a virtual coach reminding and motivating everyone to stay involved.
Yes, and carefully so. With ChangeEngine, you control the tone and content, so you can ensure messages about sensitive topics – like mental health, burnout, or illness – are crafted with empathy and privacy in mind. For example, you might send an email acknowledging stress during a busy season and gently reminding about counseling resources, phrased in a very caring, confidential tone. Because you can plan these out, you have time to get the wording just right. The platform just ensures those important messages reach everyone consistently.
They can. You could incorporate a quick survey or even an email reply prompt (“Hit reply and share your wellness win this week!”). For more structured feedback, sending out a short questionnaire about what wellness programs employees want can guide your efforts and show you’re listening. And if you run a challenge, you might have people submit their results or experiences via a form linked in ChangeEngine. Collecting those stories or data can be golden – and you can later highlight successes or adjust programs based on what you hear.
When it’s done right – frequent, positive, and actionable – it keeps wellness on everyone’s radar. Employees are more likely to join activities, use their benefits (like counseling or gym memberships), and generally feel supported.